Biggest Fitness Myths That You Should Avoid Immediately!

Myths are common in those areas of studies and subjects which are popular worldwide. Fitness is one of those popular subjects in our modern world which is why there are tons of fitness myths spread around among fitness enthusiasts and athletes. These myths not only can hinder your fitness journey but also obstruct you from … Read more

5 Best Exercises for Calves for Bigger & Muscular Calves!

Calves are the muscles located in the posterior portion below our knees. They are surprisingly underrated as one of the main muscle groups. When it comes to exercise to make the calves bigger and muscular, most people seem to ignore it as many of them find it not-so-necessary look-wise, and the rest of them find … Read more

5 Best Exercises for The Hamstrings You Shouldn’t Miss!

The hamstring is the thin rope-like muscle situated in the posterior portion of your leg from the glutes up to the calves. Many people overlook this muscle as it is quite not the big one so they assume, it is not necessary to train hams. But, do you know, hamstring plays a vital role in … Read more

Best Exercises for Quads [Big & Muscular Quads Guaranteed!]

Quadriceps or in short, Quads is the largest muscle group of our whole body. Just like biceps consists of 2 muscles, triceps consists of 3 muscles, quads consist of four muscles which are the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. It is located in the anterior portion of our thigh. A big … Read more

3 Best Supplements You Only Need to Gain Muscles!

When it comes to building a muscular physique, supplementation is a necessary part. Obviously, you have to follow a clean and strict nutritious diet to achieve your dream physique, and then comes the supplements which you will need to fulfill your needs to gain the full advantage of muscle gaining. In today’s modern world, there … Read more

Gain Muscle Fast with these 10 Golden Tips! (For Beginners!)

Building a healthy as well as the muscular physique is not a piece of cake. It is not overnight stuff. It takes years of dedication, hard work, patience, consistency & discipline to achieve a lean & muscular physique. If you’re a beginner, you need the right guidance to walk on this path. There are many … Read more

Best Back Workout Routine For A Perfect Back!

Many beginners or even intermediate lifters are often confused about what back workout routine they should follow or what exercises they should include in their back workout sessions for best results. Because, a back consists of so much muscle groups that makes people really confused to what to do first & what to do later; … Read more

10 Best Exercises for Back (Hit Every Muscle!)

A big, stronger & muscular back is the foundation of quality upper body. Moreover, the lats hanging from the back that creates the ‘V’ shape is the ultimate beauty of a muscular body, right? So, if you want to build every muscle of your back to make a thick, strong and overall muscular ‘V’ shaped … Read more